Our Team

Gregg Helvey

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Gregg is an Oscar-nominated filmmaker, Academy member, and alum of USC's Graduate School of Cinematic Arts. As a writer, director, and producer who has shot in India, China, Rwanda and other countries that cannot be named for safety reasons, Gregg brings a global, multi-faceted approach to the projects he works on.


Bart Gavigan


Bart is a BAFTA-nominated screenwriter whose work has been acclaimed by Nobel Peace Prize winners. He has also taught and advised the advisors (and students) of Sundance's Screenwriters Lab. In addition to his 30+ years as an internationally renowned script doctor, Bart teaches story masterclasses around the world.

Our world is too rich to not
infuse our stories with a diverse tapestry.

Let us help tell yours. Having traveled, lived, and worked extensively around the world, we believe in reflecting the world’s rich diversity in the projects we work on. And we’ll never shy away from the “one-inch barrier” of subtitles. Together, we will elevate your voice and take your project to the next level.